Other changes include performance improvements, bug fixes and re-naming of the DeNoise AI tab to Standard and AI Clear tab to Clear.I am getting at least a half dozen emails a day from people having trouble installing the Topaz stuff after buying. You can then tweak the settings to your preference. This is a one-click solution for extremely noisy images and is great for giving you a starting point. The new upgrade features a new tab “Severe Noise”. Topaz DeNoise V3.1.1 – in May 2021 they introduced another upgrade. Just keep in mind, if you move to another part of the image you will need to update for each mode again. Then you can decide which of the 3 modes is providing you with the best results. You can keep tweaking the settings in each mode and updating. Why is this so cool? It’s cool because you can now make changes in each the 3 Modes and you will be able to compare the results to the other 2 modes. This feature will let you split the screen into 4 sections – Original, DeNoise AI, Clear AI, and Low Light. Secondly, and what seems to be the best feature with this upgrade, is the addition of the Comparison View (see image below) This can be accessed by clicking on View at the top of the interface next to Brightness. Firstly, the processing speed has been ramped up big-time. This has a couple of features that we are excited about. Topaz DeNoise AI V2.3 – In late September 2020, Topaz released a new version of the software. Should we come across an image that requires colour noise reduction, we will post our findings in this post.

Quite honestly, we don’t seem to get a lot of colour noise in our images so not sure how often this feature will be used in our workflow. Apparently, it is particularly useful when applied to high ISO RAW images, however, we have not tested this yet.

This feature will help eliminate Colour Noise from high ISO images. The software now gives you full control over where you apply your noise reduction.Īnother great feature added in the update is a Low Light Mode. The latest version (V2.2.2 on both Win/Mac) gives you the same flexibility of masking as Sharpen AI which is excellent for those images that would look best with noise removed from only certain areas of the image, like a sky or darker areas of an image.

One of the features we love most about the Topaz Sharpen AI application is the ability to selectively apply changes using masking, but this was not available in the DeNoise AI app – until now. Topaz DeNoise AI V2.2.2 – In late May 2020 Topaz updated Topaz DeNoise AI to include some exciting new features.