You may also choose to make smaller cakes, but remember to then adjust the cooking time: they'll cook much faster, of course.). (If you've been imprecise or overly generous in the quantity of some of the ingredients, you may well have enough for five or six cakes.
Transfer the bacon and leeks (and onions & garlic) to a large bowl, add the mashed potatoes, cabbage and egg (see notes below), season to taste and mixing together with wet hands, shape into 4 round cakes, 10cm/4" across.Add the leeks to the pan and sauté for 2 minutes.(Optional departure: If you want to add finely chopped onion and/or garlic, add them 1-2 minutes BEFORE adding the leeks to the pan.).Heat 1 tablespoon of oil (less if the bacon is fatty see notes below) in a heavy-based, non-stick pan, add the bacon pieces, fry for about 4 minutes, until crisp, then remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper kitchen towelling.Place the serving plates in a low oven so that they will be warmed when required.Finely chop the bacon thoroughly wash and dry, then trim and finely slice the leeks beat the egg cut the mushrooms into quarters cut the tomatoes in half and finely shred the cabbage.Recipes are not sacred texts to be revered and traditional recipes like this one invite you to add your own personal touches and to vary them to satisfy your whims." I've included a few suggested departures from the recipe in brackets within the instructions, and in the notes at the end. No herbs! No onions! No garlic! I confess I do add these. In posting it here, I’ve left the ingredients exactly as I originally found them on the recipe card. Not at your most elegant dinner party perhaps, but anywhere else. Although traditionally a breakfast dish, in 2005, I can imagine this dish being served at any time of the day or night. If you have not eaten Bubble and Squeak before, after making it once, go traditional and make it with whatever you have left-over. I also like the idea of making individual cakes: so much easier to handle in the pan and everyone gets more of the browned crust. Since this a traditional dish, and since there are so many variations, who's to say what's traditional? This particular recipe for Bubble and Squeak Cakes is delicious. In its ingredients, it certainly contains a few modern touches. This version I found on a 'Pan or Wok' recipe card from International Masters Publishers. I have fond childhood memories of eating Bubble and Squeak at friends' houses in England. Nonetheless, it usually included mashed potatoes and cabbage and/or leeks. "A classic British breakfast dish – belonging to the working class rather than the landed gentry - that traditionally had no fixed ingredients because it was made from whatever had been left over from a previous meal.